March 2




FwdBin/FwBin is a concept of how to turn Fwd’s (the kind you like) into a kind of smart bulletin board. Allowing you to send the link instead of long email chains and to “turn down the volume” on stuff you have already seen.

See the slideshow here

About the Author

💪🤓 - I am an experienced software developer. With a strong work ethic and a teachers heart. I tell terrible jokes (b/c I'm a Dad).

🧩 - I love solving interesting problems with work or side projects.

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 - I live in Louisville, Kentucky with my beautiful wife Brooke and our two awesome sons.
💻 ⛪❤ - I am passionate about technology and seek to build God's kingdom through my career, personal life, church involvement and the legacy of love I leave for my family

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